Good day, fine people of the world, greetings and felicitations from Perth, Western Australia.
I want to start by saying another thankyou to everyone who has purchased a copy of my debut novel Jada: Mountain Warrior. You’re stars, every bloody one of you!
If you could find a minute or two to please go to Amazon, Goodreads, or my website (or all three 😊 ) and leave a short review of the book in the comments, that would be extremely helpful in getting the book noticed by others. For an independent author, word of mouth is EVERYTHING – there’s no other way for Jada to stand out amongst the thousands of other books vying for attention, many with far greater advertising budgets and bigger author profiles. Thankyou in advance!
As some of you know from my recent Instagram posts, I’ve been back plying my cheffy trade in a restaurant kitchen for the past couple of months, and doesn’t working for a living eat into the “doing cool stuff” time! It’s nice to be on top of finances, though, undeniably. You can keep tabs on my #adventuresofaculinaryprostitute musings via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. The links are at the bottom of this newsletter.
We had some dramas with the 100% ROCK MAGAZINE website in late July, but managed to right the ship early August (after no less than THREE different web hosting companies failed us miserably and gave us full refunds for their incompetence and lack of service). I have lots of new reviews to be published over the next month, so keep an eye out for them.
Most recently I published my reviews of the movies Late Night (Emma Thompson & Mindy Kaling) – and Danger Close: The Battle Of Long Tan (Travis Fimmel, Richard Roxburgh) –, and they are both worth a visit to the cinema for, especially the latter: “Wash your mouth out anyone who dares suggest this is a great Australian film: Danger Close is as Australian as they come in terms of its characters, but this is as well written, well made and as good a movie of its kind as any produced worldwide in recent years – and better than most. It simply doesn’t deserve the stigma of being lumped in as “merely” an Australian movie (even though such a stigma is unfair in the first place, it does exist in some circles).”
Editing continues for my next novel, tentatively titled Zakk Damage: Galactic P.I. Zakk has really come to life on the page, and as always I write with a cinematic view of the story rolling in my head, and it is looking and sounding great. I’m still hoping to have that ready to publish in November, even if I need to take some time off work to complete it!
Keep your eyes on your in boxes as there is an exclusive bonus Jada short story coming next week to all who purchased the relevant perks in my crowd funding campaign to publish the book. Apologies for the delay but I wanted to make sure it was just right before signing off on it!
You can read more about my motivation for Jada, and plans for the future, in this “selfie” interview I did with myself. I figured, I’ve interviewed hundreds of rock stars, authors, actors and what-not over the past ten years, why not interview myself? It was a bit of fun – and it’s all about the fun, right?
If you have friends wanting to purchase Jada: Mountain Warrior, please direct them to my website to order directly from me, or Amazon if they want an eBook (links below). Perth readers can find the book in Network Video at The Mezz, Mount Hawthorn, and Chaos Pop in Cannington. Tell Mel and Laith (respectively) that I sent you!
And that’s about it for me this time round the ride. Please, please, please leave a review of the book if you enjoyed it – that would be ace!
Until next time, Peace, Love & Happiness to all,
My website
Paperback purchase page
Amazon Kindle version
Amazon author page
Goodreads author page