Hello, Welcome, Velkommen, Bienvenue, G’day…

Hello, Welcome, Velkommen, Bienvenue, G’day…

This is my blog. Never really blogged before, but I’m going to blog. Not sure what about – as well as what I am writing about, probably anyandevery-thing that interests me, which means music, writing, food, family, our dogs, sunsets, the beach, and so on.

I’m sure it’ll be more interesting than it sounds!

So, I’ll start with a little info for those who don’t know me, or don’t know me well…

My name is Shane Pinnegar. I have a middle name which I hate, maybe we can talk about that another time.

I was born in the wee hours of 14th July, 1966, in Perth, Western Australia, which makes me a Cancerian and – in Chinese Horoscopes – a Fire Horse, which is pretty special. Yes, only every single person born that year and every 80 years can be as special as that!

I was a good school student (despite being bounced around 3 different schools), an awkward teen (shyest boy in town), a poor uni student (Tavern Studies 101 and Advanced Drinking Tactics were about the only subjects I excelled at in my Applied Science degree at WA Institute of Technology – but it’s not a course I should ever have gone into, I should have been in writing or journalism or art), a desk jockey and then computer guru at the Main Roads Department, an itinerate backpacker, a chef, a caterer and small businessperson, a rock n’ roll journalist and now, amongst whatever else I pick up to pay the bills, a writer of short stories and a novel.

That’s one helluva info dump – and there is a lot more, of course, but some things need to stay private, and others will come out in time.

For now, what you really need to know is… can this dude write?

Well, I tend to write across a wide variety of styles and genres. There’s usually always a twist in there, often some element of fantasy. I’m definitely not a genre writer by any means, so it’s perfectly fine if you like something I write but not another thing. Different strokes for different folks.

You can read some examples as I get them out there, but for now, thanks for coming.
I’ll have a newsletter happening as soon as I can get it sorted. There are links to Twitter (which I’m trying to get my head around), Instagram and Facebook, and I promise to be more regular with them all.

Feel free to interact (great to chat), criticise (I can ignore as well as anyone) or compliment (easy, tiger!)

Bonne chance! Be excellent to each other


Shane Pinnegar
Shane Pinnegar is an author, chef and music/pop culture writer who lives in Western Australia. He has a lovely wife, two rambunctious dogs with no respect for personal space, especially on the sofa or bed, twenty-something koi, a flock of itinerate galahs who visit regularly, and a never-comprehensive-enough rock n' roll record collection.

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